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Category: Writing news

Reading at Bodega, November 4

I’ll be reading something new from the 100 Days project at Bodega’s monthly storytelling series. This series is always the first Sunday in November at 7 PM (11/4/2012). Bodega Wine Bar: St. Nicholas & Troutman, in Bushwick. Take the L to Jefferson.

I read a post-Sandy essay instead. I got a standing ovation, my first. Thanks, Bushwick. –UPDATED 11/05/2012

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Fall news

Here’s a little news for the early Fall.

1-Learn to Love Your Artist Statement has affectionately been called “artist therapy” by one of my students. My goal with this workshop has been to help artists who are traditionally hostile or uncomfortable with writing about their work to discover the original viewpoint or ambition present in what they create, and to learn to articulate what is unique about what they are trying to accomplish with all those hours they spend in their studios.

Here’s how one student took the time to describe his experience of the workshop:

“I’d…like thank you for teaching a skill that…at first glance appears both confusing and dubious. Without resources like your class to make them understandable and accessible, the mechanisms of art (beyond its initial creation) often appear opaque and impenetrable to those who have not chosen to make it their profession but would like to participate in it.”

2-In Write a Press Release, Publicize Your Event, we cover the basics of press-release writing, students write a release for their own project/event, and we spend the remaining time talking about how to build press lists and find opportunities for media coverage of independent events. By the end of the 3-hour workshop, students will have a press release and a list of local contacts.

3-In Your Own Words is more like a consulting session than a class. This small, unstructured workshop allows students to bring in whatever professional-writing project needs extra help–such as polishing a résumé, finalizing a business proposal or editing a business plan. Students work one-on-one or get feedback from others; each workshop is customized to meet students’ individual writing goals.

  • WRITING: I’m working on interviews with two authors that you’ll see online in the next few weeks at two publications I respect, read and admire. And that’s all I’m going to say.
  • 100 DAYS AND…: YES, I am still working on the 100 Days project! I am learning so much more and less than I expected to learn about myself as a writer. On Day 100, October 8, 2012, I will have written 100 first-draft essays of least 1,000 words each, on 100 consecutive days. But I’ve never written just 1,000 words, so that’s well over 100,000 words for the summer. I’ll definitely write something about the whole experience…but not until after I take a much-needed quick escape from New York. After that, I, um, may or may not start curating a new series of events. You’re welcome to prod me or pitch me about that, if you read this far…
  • THE BOOK: I have an outline for my book. Finally. So expect my hermit ways to continue throughout the fall, though I’m hoping to do a few readings to balance out my newfound introversion.

That’s all I have for now, please spread the word about my workshops (see for details and to sign up), and thank you for your support!

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Readings coming up


I’m accumulating a lot of words and stories through the 100 Days project so I’m looking forward to reading some of the rawer material while I get started this fall editing several new stories that have originated from this project.

Upcoming: The Highwaymen NYC #6 will be at Brooklyn Fireproof on August 31, at 7 PM. I’ll be reading at least three brand-new poems specifically for this event, which is also my mom’s birthday.

Also upcoming: On Sunday, September 2, I’ll be reading at Bodega Wine Bar, where storyteller Robert Sempel has been hosting the Bodega Monthly storytelling series since the departure of Kelly Brannon.

Further along and upcoming: We Bushwick writers as the 1441 collective are planning lots and lots and lots of readings and events in and around Bushwick and NYC for the fall. Maybe even another book swap, and more cool things to do.


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Very special Blue Moon reading August 31

I am starting to prepare for a very special poetry reading on August 31, 2012, for The Highwaymen NYC reading series. August 31 will mark the second full moon of August, making it a “blue moon.” The Highwaymen NYC series began this year with a poetry reading held at a different location on each full moon. In addition to the blue moon which will make it a special occasion, August 31 would have been my mother’s 68th birthday. I was honored to be invited to read poetry for this event by the lovely series curator & founder, Elizabeth, and I certainly feel privileged to have such a rare opportunity to honor my mother. I am planning to write new pieces for the event and I hope to write something that will bring her to life for the audience.  Thank you, Elizabeth! More info on this will be posted when it’s available!


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Guest post on Vandalog!

Yep, that’s me with a post on Vandalog today. My inner feminist got a little annoyed with RJ about his picks for Complex Mag’s “50 Greatest Street Artists Right Now.” I reasoned that if the audience for street art is, well, everyone, and therefore half women, then a list of 48 men couldn’t possibly be the “greatest.” Check Complex mag’s post, here. And my response on Vandalog, here.


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