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Tag: hyperallergic

New York Art World Primer: new post

I wrote a quick post for Hyperallergic about a great panel discussion held last week at 3rd Ward as part of Krista Saunders’ Intro to the New York Art World class. Check it out, and get in touch with me if you want to get to work on your own professional communications.

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Statements on Artist Statements

When I created a writing workshop called “Learn to Love Your Artist Statement,”  I knew I was in for some trouble. Then I read Iris Jaffe’s “The Anti-Artist Statement” on, and I felt the need to write a reponse in defense of this most-maligned document. Why?

The primary reasons: For as long as an artist statement is a professional requirement, provide one when asked, and provide the best one you can. If you have trouble writing an artist statement of sufficient quality to meet your own standards (or bio, or statement of purpose), hire someone (me, for instance!) to help, rather than let your name appear next to someone else’s thoughts and ideas. Discuss your philosophical objections within your circle of friends, but don’t be unprofessional when presented with an opportunity; the field is too competitive. And creatively, writing an artist statement can increase your self-awareness and deepen your understanding of what you do–sometimes because writing is an unfamiliar new tool for interacting with your unconscious.

Check out the essay on Hyperallergic and the great discussion it has generated. Feel free to let me know what you think.

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The Beauty Debate: Detroit, Leap Day

Leap Day is this year, and it’s going to be fun!  I am part of a panel discussion called the Beauty Debate, which takes place in Detroit and is being produced by, a blog where I have been having a conversation with the editor, Colin Darke, since last September about honesty, beauty, art…and sometimes writing. I won’t be going to Detroit: I’m participating via Skype, possibly from Hyperallergic HQ, as editor Hrag Vartanian is also participating.

The Beauty Debate panel discussion is held in advance of a related art show,’s First Annual Beauty Invitational, which opens March 3 at Detroit’s Art Effect Gallery. The gallery will be showing artists whose work I know and love (Elle, Ashley Zelinskie, Vincent Cacciotti), and artists I don’t know but very well may love, once I see their work. Beauty: what is it? Discuss.

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